See your skill-level performance in real-time, based on diverse and psychologically safe feedback.

Your performance reviews should never be a surprise.

Merify highlights the skills you prove every minute of every day on the job. We use the continuous feedback of those you work with directly to build a dynamic skill profile that you and your manager can both see in real-time.

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Image showing community feedback for a candidate

Merify reviews are supportive, not punitive. They're in the flow of work, not annual. And pencils down: they're quantitative.

Psychological safety and employee experience are foundational to the Merify review process.

In Merify, your feedback is just one data point of many that builds the dynamic skill profiles of your teammates. And our platform destigmatizes being a beginner in a skill - we all have areas of growth!

Important reviewable moments happen all the time - when a project completes, after a milestone is hit. Merify captures these moments, rather than relying on biased memories during annual reviews.

Feedback shouldn't be all essays. Quick, skill-level observations encourage participation. And standardized, quantitative input allows for automated, real-time skill profiles.

Setting up your Merify profile is simple, and almost entirely text-free.

Step 1

Add your skills

Add your preferred technical and soft skills, as well as the skills you'd like to improve. Our system will help you self-assess each skill from beginner to expert. And don't worry, you can always change your self-assessments. In fact, Merify automatically suggests changes as you grow with more community feedback.

Phone with add skill showing

Step 2

Group your skills

The concept of "work history" in Merify is just a grouping of skills you used over a specific time period. This is what your chosen professional community will review. In Merify, skills are what matter, not pages of text.

Phone with work items showing

Step 3

Request reviews

Reach out to your past or current co-workers for reviews of the skills used in your work history. The process is text-free, system-guided, and will take just minutes to complete. Reviewer feedback is also anonymous, which is one of the many steps Merify takes to ensure honest feedback.

Step 4

Build your confidence

Imposter syndrome keeps many of us from pursuing the job opportunities and internal roles that we have earned. Merify uses your community's feedback to help you understand exactly how well you're performing on the job. As you receive more feedback, we encourage you to check if you're vetted at the next level up!

skill details on a phone

That's it!

What workers see

An overview of your skill-level data that's easy to view and edit, and updates automatically with feedback from your professional community.

Candidate skills profile on a phone

What managers see

A summary of your skills and proficiencies, with a focus on the skills they are most interested in for a specific role.

Sign up for Merify today!

Sign up for Merify to begin working with your professional community to make talent management more effective and equitable for all workers.